One of the funniest moments ever, that I will never forget, involves Zac Burton. We were shopping at a marina store on Bull Shoals lake when Zac found this huge doggie life vest. This, of course, got Zac's undivided attention. At Zac's request, Christopher (Zac’s younger brother), zipped Zac into the doggie vest. When Zac was finished walking around the store in the vest, getting laughs from everyone, he asked Christopher to unzip it. Christopher ran out of the store and left Zac stuck in the doggie vest. Truthfully, we all left the store with Zac stuck in the doggie vest. I honestly do not remember how he got out of the vest! We all laughed so hard we could hardly breathe.
We all knew Zac was a great athlete. That summer at the lake we also learned that Zac had the amazing ability to crawl faster than most people can walk. Wow!! What a fun time we had, Zac was our entertainment!
I often wonder why God took a young man so full of potential and promise from us. The only answer I can think of is, God needed an angel with bright blue eyes and a wonderful smile in heaven.
Debbie & Larry